March 10, 2025 3:00 pm


Dasilentknight is an artist who is from San Antonio, Texas. The artist has a strong aspiration to achieve the highest level of success and is resolute in their pursuit of their goal. Through years of dedicated effort and establishing a strong reputation both locally and in his city and metroplex, Dasilentknight persists in the music business and swiftly captivates his audience with his creative output. focused, determined, and creative, Dasilentknight has a strong goal with his music: he wants to stay committed to his work while building a legacy. “Have you ever heard of the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’? Well the world was my village. There’s no one place I was raised at and even then, where I’m from is from a lot of different places! I think they call us ‘THIRD CULTURE KIDS’. Creatively I’m working to recreate what it means to love music. I teach those who really listen to my music, how to make music, and not let it make you. How to become famous, and not let fame become you. I’m working on teaching dreamers to dream big because nowadays the rich have small minds, the wealthy have open minds, and the poor pay no mind. So, to answer ya question, I’m working on leading The Next Generation (TNG) to something better than yesterday every day!” Dasilentknight is destined for greatness.

While traveling far from home, failure is commonplace, but Dasilentknight, a successful artist known for his determination, is not one to succumb to such circumstances. His working relationships are taken seriously by him. His ambition is to persevere in the face of adversity and utilize his musical talent to effect positive change. “I wouldn’t say I’ve overcome any struggles because no matter what, you’re always going to struggle with the same problems just on different levels and different times. But when I’m at my lowest I think of my silent knight, and I remember how much hope I give them then I remember y’all who I do it for, so it doesn’t really matter what is placed in front of me, I won’t let ‘em down.”

Give Three qualities that describe you:

I don’t really know what qualities I would use to describe me to be honest I’m just like anybody else but at the same time nothing like them so what stands out about me I don’t know but my some of my silent knights say I’m like a big brother to em others think of me as a mentor but really, I’m no savior definitely not a saint.


What do you have coming up right now that you want others to know about?

It depends what are we talking about. If it is music, I have a lot of big plans. I’m working on right now with all of my silent knights. They range from planning to open restaurants to being the first to shoot an actual music video from the moon to showing my people the sky isn’t the limit anymore. Go beyond it and take it further than anyone can imagine.

Dasilentknight has been up and coming in his city and in others for a long time. The artist and creative, never gives up and is quite clear about his aims and ambitions, even through times of hardship. “Me and my silent knight(s) is what inspires me right now to consistently work. Everything I do I do for them. See it’s always been bigger than me that’s why on my chest it says family is forever. Y’all make me feel like a one-man army or one-man with an army and for that I’m forever grateful! Me and my silent knight(s). That’s who it’s always been and who it’s always going to be.” His goal is to keep moving ahead and to create something meaningful with his music. Dasilentknight makes a difference in the music industry by putting in the hours of effort, enthusiasm, and motivation.

Dasilentknight continues by saying that his love of music would always be his motivation in life. Honest sees himself as an ambitious artist who, because of his perseverance and work ethic, has more recently inspired and motivated others. Others look up to him. Dasilentknight’s passion for creating his songs have pushed his drive and work ethic. He stays focused, honed, and disciplined in his work. Dasilentknight makes an impact in the industry and leaves the interview with some advice for others. “Some advice I want to give depends on what or which kind or work you’re referring to because all I’m doing is following my passion. Allowing it to fuel my purpose nothing more nothing less, but never judge the next person for seeing what others can’t. Just because they can’t see it right now doesn’t mean you are crazy. You’re just different. How do I know? Because my fans are just like me so technically. I’m you, you’re me, they us, we the. We all are each other at some point of our lives. Money doesn’t have to live with the decision or make the choice, but you do! Learn from the past then learn to let it go. Only then can you say you live in the present and build for the future.”

The emphasis of Dasilentknight’s concentration is now on continuing to pursue his musical profession in order to build his already strong foundation even further than it is already. Dasilentknight, has his sights set on the prize.

Press Release Published By #Focuseddd

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