March 10, 2025 11:11 am


Ayinde Muhammad, also known as ‘Yindé’ is a Rapper, Singer, Songwriter, and Poet from the westside of Rochester, New York, 19th Ward. While building himself through his career in Upstate, New York and beyond, Yindé has stayed highly dedicated to his craft. So when asked about how he would describe himself, it wasn’t a shock when he responded with the following three words: “passionate, determined, and eccentric”

He then shared just how all three of those were true by sharing all that he’s been currently working on. “There’s quite a few things I’m working on,” Yindé says. “Musically, of course, I have my new song “Can’t Deny”, an RnB/Soul type of vibe that was released today on all platforms. I have a few joint projects I’m working on, some of which should be done by next year, plus a couple features that will be released before the year is up.”

Yindé went on to talk more about his endeavors outside of music, and the ambitions he has for his own development. “I also have my website ( with all my self-designed merchandise, and I’m working on a few more pieces to add. Also working on my acting chops and doing a little bit of directing for some music videos I’ll be a part of in the coming months. Lastly, I’m going to say, myself. Which maybe should’ve been first? But yeah, I feel like since the artist is the hub of all this creativity expressed, then working on self should also be a part of the creative process.”

With so much on his plate, Yindé expressed some of the struggles he’s faced trying to balance his ambitions with the necessary business acumen of the industry, a field that most artists find themselves in a disadvantage with. “In music, you have to be protected, so I think my main obstacle was understanding the business side of it,” he shared. “I remember learning about copyrights and publishing rights and feeling overwhelmed. Like, it’s so much bro. Plus, anyone who knows me knows I’m what I call a ‘pure artist’, so I hate it when business gets in the way of the flow of creativity because that’s not why I’m doing what I’m doing. But, I also refused to be manipulated and made somebody else’s toy, so I had to really sit down, do the work, and learn it. And there’s still so much I don’t know, so I’m still learning.”

However, successful individuals make investments in themselves as well as in others who will assist them on their path to success. For Yindé, he seems to have already established those relationships for himself. “I have a support system. There have been a few times where I literally was done with music or writing, and that same day would have a conversation with friends or a mentor and they would say the thing I needed to hear to keep going. Other times someone might pull up and take me out to clear my head for a second because they could tell I wasn’t doing so great. At the end of the day though, you have to make up your mind and decide for yourself that you want to overcome whatever it is you’re facing. Everyone around could be cheering you on and giving you that support, but you’re the one who has to get in the ring and fight you now? So far, I’m undefeated.”


The following is a short excerpt from some of the interview conducted with Yindé, where he goes deeper into his support systems and influences:

What is inspiring you right now consistently to work on your endeavors?

“My faith in Allah (God), my confidence in myself, and the love that I feel and am given everyday from Him, myself, and all my loved ones. And honestly, these can fluctuate at times. Sometimes it’s not a consistent flow of inspiration, and there are days where it’s a trickle, if anything at all. But that’s also where you find out if what you’re doing is truly what you wanna do forever. I’d like to believe that there’s a fine line I walk in order to maintain the patience needed to persevere while also having the energy to blaze my own path without deterring from it, and as crazy as that can look, you have to be okay with that in order to be great. Drake said it best, ‘Somewhere between psychotic and iconic.’”

Who were the most influential people in your life?

“Definitely my family. Mom, Dad, and all 5 of my little siblings. After them would be my spiritual teacher, Minister Farrakhan, then my musical influences like Lauryn Hill, Kanye West, and Michael Jackson.

I will admit, I grew up way different than most because of these people alone. By the time I was 6, I could write in cursive, read at the same pace as the teenagers, played guitar, and quoted scriptures like they were song lyrics themselves, so when I said eccentric… I meant it haha.

They all informed who I am today though, and how I am, and I believe the way I am able to bring all of them and others together in my own expressions of self in a creative way, creating entire worlds where you can see or hear each one, is nothing short of magic.”

Yindé shows that he’s consistently putting in the hours of work to create a lane for himself, both creatively and otherwise. His determination to see his vision through to the end, even in areas of uncertainty, shows just how passionate he is about the life he wishes to lead. Yindé points out some advice to people to finish the interview. “One thing I say to myself and everyone I work with is to be undeniable. For example, I could be questioning a line I wrote, the chord progressions and melodies for a hook, color schemes, font designs, etc, and really that’s the technical part getting in the way. At its core, I really just want whatever I put out to translate to others as being so good and so real that you can’t deny (pun intended) its greatness. So that would be my advice; be undeniable.”

Public Relations agency, #Focuseddd continues to emphasize the abilities and motivations of individuals who have a strong purpose for what they do, such as Ayinde Muhammad, also known as ‘Yindé’.

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