TKL 137 is a musical artist from Rome, Italy. TKL 137 has been producing high-quality music on a regular basis, which has allowed him to immediately make an impression in the industry. TKL 137 has his eyes set on realizing his ambitions, and the list of things he wants to do is constantly growing. “I have been traveling all over the world since an early age. I have lived in different countries. I am from Rome, Italy. I had a record deal but it was not proper. Now I am independent and I am working on new songs specially trying to recreate a melodic but at the same time banger tune, so trying to get that wavy sound.” TKL 137 sees a promising future in his work and is thus working diligently on his new music. TKL 137 is the life of the scene wherever he is at, no bad vibes, and is always one to support others.
He has a one-of-a-kind approach to producing music with anybody he teams up with. TKL 137 has maintained consistency in his musical performances and a relentless emphasis on his next endeavor. TKL 137 is highly regarded for the quality of his work since he strives for excellence in all aspects of his craft, has an admirable work ethic, and is deeply invested in the success of his endeavors. “I did every kind of job to supply myself and my music and starting from Italy nobody wants to help you and the most discouraging thing is that nobody when I grew up had a real Hip hop culture. So I just wasted a lot of time around people or artists that in the end did not know anything about this culture so I had to do everything by myself; from the beat to the lyrics to the video to the publishing, and etc. Very tiring. But now I’ve set up a team of guys based all over Europe and US so the game is changing.”

A creative mind, revolutionary by nature, and elevated. TKL 137 has achieved his aim of making people want to see more of him. He influences the business and music industries in 2023 from both the spotlight and the shadows. TKL 137 has always been committed to elevating his fashion to new heights, but his struggles have inspired him to push himself musically as well. TKL 137 offers some inspiring words through his shortcomings. “The fact that cosmically we are living in one of the biggest shifts in history so we here to leave some real messages to the people for the future. Not just consumerism. An Italian white boy doing rap music in a mostly black controlled and not European industry? Pure hell man. I come from a place where music is not even considered minimally as a job , everything I did was meanwhile working a 9 to 5 job since I was 16 years old. Trying to do this music in the night instead of sleeping. It is 15 years now that I basically had to achieve my art. I do the artist job at night and work during the day. I still work. I don’t live on this 100% yet. Basically a nightmare, but here I am to be the One.”
What do you have coming up right now that you want others to know about?
I am growing that fast now and people are recognizing my job ( I have feats with FGE of Montana 300, YBE of Ski Mask, Santo Trafficante etc) that my next step is gonna bring out that wavy bangerz that I have been waiting so long to create. It is going to be influenced by drill music, french type of wave, american trap and so on so get ready.

Now that he has established a solid foundation, TKL 137 wants to devote his whole attention to expanding his music endeavors. He claims to have learnt from his hardships and is not weighed down by them. “I want people to understand the truth of life and the struggle to do things on your own, not the fancy barbie world of this fake mainstream rap music industry of nowadays.” TKL 137 is inspiring and focused on the end goal. “The most influential people in my life are my Parents, my wife, my family, all the star people I’ve met along my journey and all the Native American people.” In the work, he is motivated by the thought of making a difference not just in his neighborhood, but also in the rest of the community.
Focuseddd continues to emphasize the abilities and motivations of individuals who have a strong purpose for what they do, such as TKL 137.
Social Media Tags
Instagram: @_TKL137.SSK
Spotify: TKL 137
YouTube: TKL 137SSK