March 10, 2025 2:00 pm
Lyryk Muzik


Lyryk Muzik, is an up and coming artist from Dallas, Texas, now residing in Galveston, Texas. She is a diligent individual with extensive experience in her projects and experience. Lyryk Muzik has a strong propensity for originality, and she strives to establish a recognizable presence in both online and offline endeavors. She is always extremely dedicated to her task and in terms of her own qualities, she is resilient, limitless, and mysterious as an artist. She has been able to maintain a level of consistency and maintain a keen focus on her goals as a result of the collaborative efforts and personal grind. Lyryk Muzik is well positioned for success. She describes the work she is currently engaged in.“ I have so many creations I’m feeding at the moment. I love uplifting people and encouraging them to never give up. My relationship with God is something far from amazing and I make sure to incorporate that in my work. I send healing through my music ‘Lyryk Muzik’, reiki healing with my candle line ‘healing lyte’ and ‘Melodyc Touch’, empathic guidance ‘Resylynt’, and prophetic messages as ‘Prophetess Yanna’. Right now I am releasing my new single ‘Dragon Duality’ on March 21st because it’s a countdown to releasing my creative spark I found in the dark. I balanced my light and darkness through some challenging times in my life. Accepting all of me, loving me fully and this is what you call duality. light & dark already coexist, so why can’t we? Balancing yourself and God on your side is inevitable victory everytime.”

Lyryk Muzik is currently setting the benchmark and working hard to demonstrate her ability. Lyryk Muzik outlines her present motivations. “Knowing my purpose inspires me everyday. I’m here to help people be the light in the darkness and not become of it. Spreading awareness of God’s presence in our lives. As a mother of four beautiful goddesses, I walk tall in my calling. why? Because the children are the next generations to come. By taking action and being the leader God has appointed me to be, I help spread the good news of ‘if God is for you, who can be against you?’.” Her energy and persistence ensure that she is successful in whatever she sets her mind to accomplish. “I had to renew my mind. Allow everything that was hurting me to actually run its course. I learned running from pain only magnetized it, so I let it hurt and meditated on it. I talked with God all the time through my dark days. Having a vision of me doing great things wasn’t enough. I had to envision better days, praying on that vision, taking action towards it, and strongly believing it will happen for me.”

As a business owner, what are some obstacles you have overcome to get where you are at?

The major obstacles I had to overcome were lack of support, doubt on if things will be successful, procrastination, and worry of funds. All of these things are a great example of ‘I don’t know if i can do it, my dream is too big’, then I heard my granmamma saying to me ‘Go big or take yo ass home’ So that’s what I did! I got closer to God, started meditating more, aligned my chakras, worked through my fears, and believed in myself.

Lyryk Muzik is getting known in her field and a knowledgeable leader as well within her community. She is confident that her work will help her advance in her career and make a positive difference in the world. Lyryk Muzik promises to learn and grow from every challenge she faces. As she wraps up the conversation, she reflects on the many people who have had an impact on her life. “God, Yeshua, and myself! My four goddesses Bunni, Kenni, Ko, and Robbie. My granny Robbie, granmamma Joan, grandaddy Albert, aunt Pinky, my parents, 2pac, Isley brothers, Scarface, Devin the dude, aunt Notti B. ‘Great Brasco’, Maya Angelou, Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, Muhammad Ali, Queen Latifah, MC Lyte, TLC, Michael Jackson, Nicki Minaj, and Kellz. I know it’s more but these flew to my head. And cheers to all the hard times. I grew stronger in my faith in God by it. And to my baby girls, 4g.a.n.g.! It’s take-off time for mamma’s babies. yeesh! Thank y’all for helping me heal my inner child. I’m so blissed to have y’all as my daughters. Y’all are going to set major records and be a beautiful light to this world. Stay elevating Goddesses. Alright now. I’m ready for my inevitable victory. Let’s get it Notez.” Because of the commitment that Lyryk Muzik has shown to her movement and to her loved ones, she will be able to make greater strides.

Lyryk Muzik

Lyryk Muzik will prevail because she never gives up. “I want others to know you are never alone. physically, it may definitely seem like it. But spiritually, there is a whole team behind you. God will always be by your side. He speaks to you all the time, you have to focus your mind on him to hear it. know that your ancestors, arch angels, and soul tribe are helping you along the way as well. Don’t give up, release what’s holding you back. Believe in yourself! It’s only one of you.”

Published by the Public Relations Brand, #Focuseddd.

Tags of people mentioned:

Instagram: @lyrykmuzik

YouTube: @lyrykmuzik

TikTok: @lyrykmuzik




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