After a year without releasing any music, Chitas returns with the Echoes of Love Tour, which kicks off at the "Ultra Music Festival".
António Chitas, a radio owner, DJ, and music producer from Portugal, is making comeback after a year-long break. Chitas took a break from sharing new songs with his fans after the release of Tropical House and Dance Music album "Forever Mine".
Chitas, known for milestones and collaborations such as "Porto Santo 2021", "Soundstorm", and "Tears", is teasing fresh sounds for "Ultra".
Itwillhavebeenmorethanayearwithoutnewmusic,butthatcouldchangewiththe first show of his tour, scheduled for March.
We recentlyreachedouttotheartist (Chitas)tolearnmoreabouthisreturn,andthemysteryhangsinthe air about what might happen in this comeback.
Whatcanyourfans expectfrom this comeback?
I’vespentalongtimewithoutreleasingnewmusic.Idecidedtostopandchallenge myself. They will experience new things. It’s time to break the rules and share the music that flows through my veins.
Howhas yourmusic evolved duringthis timeoff?
I’ve dedicated myself to exploring new sounds. I met amazing artists from all over the world,andIlearned alotfromallofthem. I’vemademanychanges in my production,andnowit’stime to show the world who I truly am.
Howwasthereleaseof youralbum ForeverMine?
Thatalbumisaclosedchapter.Isimplywantedtotellastory,andthat’sexactlywhatI did. Now, it’s time to move forward with new projects. What’s done is done.
WillyoucontinuetoproducethesameTropicalHousestyleofmusicthatyou did in the album?
Thefuture is uncertain, therearemany surprises yet to come. Iwon’t leave that style at all,butyou’llhavetowaitandseewhat’snext.Stickwithme,andyou’llsoonfindout.
I feel a huge responsibility. The last songs I produced were well-received by my listeners,andnowIwanttooffersomethingdifferentandbetter.Ifeelthepressure every day, but everything has an end. No one is ready for what I’m about to do.
Youbecameknownforsometechnomilestoneslike‘PortoSanto2021’and ‘Soundstorm’. When will you produce techno again?
I never stopped producing techno. However, I’ve found myself more connected to the chilloutandsummermusicstylesrecently.Buttechnowill alwaysbeanoptionforme. Who knows? The future is open, and anything can happen.
IrecentlycameacrossyoursocialmediaandnoticedyoupostedcontentinArabic, as well as photos from Arabic countries. Could you share how this culture influences your life?
ItraveledtoseveralArabiccountrieslastyear,andIfoundinspirationintheculture,the breathtaking views, and the experiences I had. As for how it relates to my music… I won’t say too much just yet. But I think the time has come to surrender myself to the nation of my heart. You need to wait for “Ultra”.
About Chitas (Short Bio)
António Chitas is a musician, instrumentalist, DJ, and music producer from Portugal. He started learning music in 2002 and began playing the trumpet in 2007. Since 2007, he has been a member of several music bands and orchestras in Portugal. In 2014, he began learning classical guitar, then in 2015, he learn Portuguese guitar, following the traditional Portuguese music style of Fado.
In 2018, he began DJ'ing and producing music, and their career began that same year. In early 2022, he launched his own radio show, called "Chitas Radio Show". Chitas is well-supported by the international DJs and follows the styles of Tropical House, Progressive House and Techno.