Th3 Black Sh33p is a Producer from Dallas, Texas that resides in Lancaster, Texas. He stays devoted and works hard on his craft with the music he creates for a diverse range of artists when it comes to their tracks. Becoming more serious, being dedicated to his work, and proving others wrong remains a goal for Th3 Black Sh33p and he is on the right track to doing soB. $upreme is an artist and entrepreneur from Dallas, Texas. He stays devoted and works hard on his craft with photography, clothing, and music. To become more serious and dedicated to his work and proving others wrong remains a goal for B. $upreme and he is on the right track to doing so.
“Currently, I have been heavily focused in the areas of artistry and clothing merchandise. B Supreme Clothing is a business dedicated to discovering your inner beauty within, while manifesting each dream, because vision without execution is hallucination. What sets us apart from our competitors is our brand ambassador program and offering our clients the opportunity to create their own products through graphic design.” B. $upreme is a well-rounded artist who refuses to give up even when things don’t go as planned. He wants to keep moving forward and use his music to do good things. “I can adapt to any type of music, I have a Unique Ear For Notes and I am a Natural Born Drummer. ” Th3 Black Sh33p is a well-rounded artist who refuses to give up even when things don’t go as planned. He wants to keep moving forward and use his music to do good things.
Where are you from?
I am from Dillon, South Carolina.
Give Three qualities that describe you:
Tenacious, ambitious, and vigorous are three words that describe me. With these qualities, I know that the brand B. $upreme will never have to play catch up if we are always thinking ahead.
What is it creatively that you are working on?
Quite often our clients have a clothing idea that needs to be printed, but don’t have the resources to start. With my business, we encourage each customer to follow their passions, while providing all materials needed to get started. This idea was created because I used to be a person who lacked the resources and materials when looking to start my business. It is time for the world to unleash that creativity and finally display some of their own creative ideas.
What is inspiring you right now consistently to work on your endeavors?
In both music and fashion the brand “B. $upreme” has carved its own lane. Since my entrepreneurial career, I’ve realized that having like-minded individuals in your corner will propel your business forward faster than with just your own individual opinions. When granted opportunities to participate in workshops, fashion shows, photoshoots, branding expos, or holiday events, that allows me to broaden my perspective and accept constructive feedback from the network of creators. Additionally, this helps me develop my audience and determine which pieces from my collection will flourish in the retail market. As a black-owned business owner, it is crucial to understand that the progress of your business is determined by your work ethic. I also believe that through my unwavering faith and promise to God, He has inspired me to put the work in, and now I simply allow Him to do the rest. He hasn’t failed me yet, so I will continue to keep going.
How have you overcome struggles to be where you are at now?
Creating a business has not always been an easy transition, but I had to know within myself that what the present is nothing compared to my future faith. Since the establishment of my business, some lessons that I have been able to learn are to develop a strong marketing team, include a paper trial when beginning to close financial deals, and to always choose your business affiliates wisely. I believe that our connections influence our direction, but I also realized that I needed to start working more and talking less. When God is doing something in your life, sometimes it’s good to keep quiet until your time is revealed. That is how you overcome some struggles before they even begin to start.
What do you have coming up right now that you want others to know about?
Recently, I performed at the Break-In Fashion Show hosted by WeStanMedia. This allowed me to showcase my melodic talent as well as display my clothing booth as a black-owned business owner. As far as future endeavors are concerned, I have been contracted for photography work in Dubai, sitting down with A&R reps in Atlanta, and I have been selected as a vendor for a luxury fashion show in California. In this life, it is important to network and exhibit the greatness on display.
Who were the most influential people in your life?
God is the most influential person in my life. All praises to Him.
B. $upreme’s goal is to make people want to see more of him, which he has done already in the studio, stage, and behind the scenes in the retail world. By putting in the hours of work, commitment, and inspiration both in front of and behind the scenes in the year 2022, he makes a difference in the music business. Both in front of and behind the scenes. B. $upreme explains that every piece that he designs is to be of inspiration to others. He works relentlessly to display the vision because he believes that vision without execution is hallucination. Whether it’s creating a new song or a fashion piece that isn’t in the “norm” of the industry, B. $upreme makes sure that he has not placed himself in a box that society often creates for other creatives. Taking risks is what sets a person apart from the pack. Through his work he wants his clients to understand that the sky is not the limit, it is only a view.
Even though B. $upreme is devoted to perfecting the art of his music to the highest level, his hardships have made him want to do even better in his business as well. “Obstacles that I overcame were obtaining the materials to get started, finding a proper studio to display my worth, and making something out of nothing when you have to start all over again. With the proper mindset, I operate in a manner that will make my idols become my rivals. What I have learned is that the current situation is not always the final destination. Destiny is hiding within your destination.”
Despite the passage of time, #Focuseddd continues to emphasize the abilities and motivations of individuals who have a strong purpose for what they do, such as B. $upreme.