March 9, 2025 8:31 pm

Why you shouldn't worry about your hair falling out and six tips to prevent it from falling out

With fall comes seasonal hair loss and questions skyrocket. Is it normal for so much hair to fall out? How to mitigate the damage? The experts respond.

Losing around 100 hairs a day is normal. We have heard it ad nauseam and, although hair loss is always alarming, experts never tire of repeating this statement. “Hair is a living organ and, like all the others, it has its own natural cycle in which it is born, grows, and dies by falling out, to come out again. Ie it must fall “reminds S Moda ‘s Dr. Paloma Borregón.

It is around this time when, each year, the topic reaches higher levels of popularity (right now increasing its interest by 250%, according to Google Trends) because the so-called ‘seasonal decline’ has just arrived. 

This means that the volume of hair that falls out is possibly going to increase, but with good reason: it occurs as an adaptation of the body to variations in climate, temperature, and light. Hair grows faster during the summer due to heat and ultraviolet radiation, and this growth slows down massively in autumn when the temperature and light intensity decrease.

“Seasonal hair loss is not true hair loss, but rather hair renewal. In this phase, un a large number of hairs on the scalp go simultaneously from the anagen (growth) phase to the catagen (resting) phase. In other words, the hair roots stop their activity (they stop making hair) and enter the resting phase, so the hair that has already formed falls off and falls out. 

After a few weeks, the roots automatically wake up and rebuild the hair. The number of hairs does not decrease, capillary density is not lost because there is a balance between the number of hairs that fall and those that are born again ”, they explain from Kosei Laboratories.

Typically, after two or three weeks, this process ends naturally. However, during that time when the concern is real, you can identify the seasonal decline thanks to several characteristics that characterize it:

 1. It is moderate or abundant and proportional to the amount of hair you have.

 2. It starts off abruptly.

 3. The hairs that fall are long and thick, the oldest.

 4. It stops spontaneously after two to three weeks.

Now, what happens when these identifiers are not given and the crash can be problematic? And even what to do when the hair is weak and not very abundant and you do not want to lose excessively? There are, of course, tricks and solutions, and we’ve talked to the experts to tell us about them.

“The first thing we must do is put aside the most aggressive practices that we have used in recent months, and return to the usual care of our hair to clean it. Our usual shampoo and mask will become the best allies to start with the set-up ”, explains Dr. Borregón. 

According to his experience and criteria, there are false myths that we must flee, such as that washing your hair daily makes it fall more or that the dyes weaken it. But also others that really influence the health of our hair: “stress and anxiety, hormonal changes, toxins from tobacco or a poor diet can harm its condition”, he points out.

Six tips to reduce hair loss

1. Take care of the scalp. All hair problems begin and end there: if the scalp is healthy, the hair will grow healthy. Massage it into the washes to increase blood circulation in the area and use a shampoo based on mild and active surfactants to strengthen it.

2. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. As in everything related to our body, diet influences. As Dr. Borregón explains, “We must promote the production of  vitamin  B12, folic acid, and zinc.” How? With foods such as pumpkin (rich in beta-carotene), red meat (which provides iron), eggs (with protein), and oily fish and nuts (which offer a dose of Omega 3), as advised by Kosei Laboratories.

3. Maintain proper hair hygiene. Washing hair is often not harmful, quite the opposite, and what dermatologists always recommend. It is important to do it smoothly and without rubbing, with circular movements from front to back. If you rinse with cold water, you will stimulate circulation and get more shine ”, they point out from Kosei.

4. Cut your hair frequently. Although this belief that hair grows longer when you cut it is not true, there is some truth in it. By cutting the hair every two or three months, you make it gain strength and vitality and make it look healthier.

5. Take care of it during sleep and when combing it. The Kosei Laboratories’ recommendations are clear: “Do not lie down with wet hair, infections may appear and the scalp does not aerate adequately.” Also, if you have long hair, it is advisable to leave it ground at night to promote oxygenation and perspiration. When combing your hair, try to handle it as little as possible. “Dry it upside down and brush it daily in the same position to stimulate circulation and detoxify it to the fullest,” they add.

6. Feed it from the inside if necessary. In addition to shampoos and other products such as quality masks that take care of them, we can give strength and vitality to the hair from the inside if we need it. Experts recommend that it be made with a food supplement “based on amino acids, vitamins and minerals and that has been formulated to increase the anagen or hair growth phase.” These are some of the latest news that works best.

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